1What exacerbates psoriasis?
People prone to psoriasis, psychological stress and distress can trigger psoriasis or cause increased outbreaks in existing rashes. Therefore, people with high levels of stress receiving psychological help will have a reducing effect on disease severity. In addition, microbial diseases such as dental caries, tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, and injuries such as friction, blows, scratching, excessive alcohol intake, some metabolic diseases (hypocalcemia), and certain medications can also be triggering factors.
2Can Bacteria and Viruses Trigger Psoriasis?
Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR, stating that especially in children, psoriasis flares up during bacterial throat infections caused by streptococcus, says that patients who constantly suffer from tonsillitis need to receive complete treatment. Frequently, even when the patient has no complaints, dermatologists take a throat culture using a cotton swab and request an antibiogram test. Aside from these, treatment of diseases where there is a constant source of infection in the body (for example, a decayed tooth) is imperative.
3Summer is Coming! What are the Effects of Climate Change on Psoriasis?
Psoriasis improves in sunny climates and especially worsens during winter. Also, psoriasis is seen less in low altitude regions. In dry climates, patients feel more itching in scaling areas because humidity is low. Therefore, psoriasis patients may feel more comfortable in humid climates. Again, in winter the air dries out due to the effects of heaters and stoves, and itching increases in scaling areas. Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR advises his patients to use plenty of moisturizers in winter. Using moisturizers after bathing in winter prevents the increase of psoriasis lesions seen during the winter months.
4Do Skin Injuries and Blows to the Skin Trigger Psoriasis?
Injury to psoriasis-free skin can cause new psoriatic lesions to form in that area. This condition is called the Koebner phenomenon. Sunburns and cuts can lead to this. While sun is very good for psoriasis, one should avoid sunbathing long enough to burn. Psoriasis patients should definitely not get permanent tattoos because psoriasis can appear in tattooed areas. Intense itching in psoriasis wounds can cause new psoriatic lesions to form in surrounding skin due to the Koebner phenomenon, so it should be treated. Also, many psoriasis patients play with and pick off scales. This situation can again cause the same problem.
5What are the Effects of Psychological Stress on Psoriasis?
Studies have found that psoriasis especially changes during major life transitions. Some recent research has determined that along with stress, certain substances that trigger the immune system in the body increase in the blood. Emphasizing that psoriasis is frequently seen in women, especially in their puberty period, Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR thinks that women experience more intense stress during this time. Another very stressful period for women is pregnancy and postpartum. In these periods, women experience a significant increase in lesions on their bodies, both due to the extreme increase in stress and hormone withdrawals after pregnancy. Also, many women encounter psoriasis for the first time during this period.
6In which periods is psoriasis most commonly seen in men?
Although psoriasis is seen in men at all ages, it is not as specific as in women. Stating that psoriasis patients often first contract the disease during periods of increased personal stress, Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR gives examples: Many of my patients mention that their commercial activities have deteriorated in the past 1-2 years. Or we see parental deaths, like mothers and fathers, in the family. We see that social and psychological breakdowns are common among men during these periods. People first encounter psoriasis disease during this time. Additionally, Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR specifically noted that the university entrance exam and military service periods trigger psoriasis in young men.
7Does Cupping Therapy Help Psoriasis?
Cupping therapy is also one of the treatment methods that our Prophet (PBUH) had applied on himself. Also, cupping therapy has been an accepted treatment method in integrative medicine by the Ministry of Health for the past two years. In short, cupping therapy is the removal of dirty blood from the body by making incisions on the back and vacuuming out the dirty blood. In cupping therapy, harmful accumulated toxins, clotted and gelled dirty blood is cleaned. Stating that lymph drainage is poor in the back area, Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR said that this method can be used in many cases such as back pain, fibromyalgia, headache, epilepsy, chronic body aches, anemia, joint and muscle diseases, and general body detox. There is no clear scientific data on whether cupping therapy has an effect on psoriasis. A patient coming to our clinic is prohibited from getting cupping therapy. Applications where the skin gets impacted such as leeches, cupping, tattoos, body cuts, using stiff combs, and underwire bras in women cause psoriatic lesions to grow larger and new lesions to emerge. So far, from my clinical experience with many patients, I have seen that cupping therapy increases psoriasis. Have a nice day, Dr. Mehmet İlteber BAHADIR.
8How should we dress in cold weather during winter?
In this short article, I will try to answer many questions psoriasis patients have, such as how they should dress, what fabrics they should wear, how they should wear clothes, and whether these affect the course of the disease: As I always emphasize, our main rule is to maintain the right balance of oil and moisture in the skin. In our clinic, we examine dozens of patients every day. Based on our experiences and observations of many patients, while there are no lesions at all on the torso, back and abdomen, meaning completely clear and healthy skin, we observe very dense, plaqued psoriatic lesions especially on the arms and legs. Then our question should be, as Dr. Mehmet İlteber Bahadır says: While there are psoriatic lesions on the arms and legs, what factors have prevented these lesions from appearing on the torso, meaning the abdomen and back? The answer to this question actually explains how we should dress, especially in winter. Undergarments like undershirts, tank tops, and cotton fabrics that retain moisture and wrap the body without impact are the main factors that prevent the spread of psoriasis on the body. In winter, cold air's contact with arms and legs causes psoriatic lesions to spread in these areas. However, the moisture-retaining undergarments we wear have prevented skin cracks and not allowed the lesions to spread. So to answer our first question: In winter, we recommend psoriasis patients wear tightly-woven cotton sweatshirt-style garments that will cover the torso and arms to the wrists and retain moisture inside. Clothes to avoid are thick, woolen winter sweaters that do not prevent cold air contacting the skin. In these clothes, the skin dries out rapidly and loses moisture. Skin contacting cold air cracks and psoriatic lesions increase. For patients who have to wear these thick, loosely-woven sweater-style clothes, we definitely recommend wearing bodysuits underneath that cover the arms to the wrists. This way, our skin does not dry out and crack, and the skin is nourished by its own oils. The person is unaffected by the cold, and the skin's oil-moisture balance becomes perfect, I say. Dr. Mehmet İlteber Bahadır continued: Following these simple rules in psoriasis patients will greatly ease our lives. If you go out in cold weather during winter, I recommend wearing sweatshirt-bodysuit style clothes that will especially protect your arms and legs. With these short articles, I have tried to inform you. Stay healthy, regards.
9Can psoriasis occur on the face? What are the causes?
* The face is not a common area for psoriasis lesions compared to arms, legs, elbows, knees etc. This is because the facial skin has better oil and moisture balance due to sweat glands, and the face is more protected from trauma and environmental factors. * However, some factors can cause psoriasis on the face such as: * Using wrong creams or overusing creams - especially in women trying to look younger. Chemicals in creams can irritate skin. * Acne, tattoos, piercings, using stiff combs in hairy scalp - these are trauma to the skin. * Important to choose creams without chemicals and with oils high in vitamin D from warm climate plants. * Avoid using topical corticosteroids on the face as the skin is delicate and can become very thin. Corticosteroids may worsen facial psoriasis. In summary, psoriasis is less common on the face but can occur due to skin irritation from products or trauma. Careful skin care is important to prevent it.
10The Connection Between Eczema and Diet: Take Steps to Healing with the Right Foods
Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by itchy, reddened and inflamed skin lesions. In eczema treatment, creams and lotions applied externally may not be enough. Your dietary habits can also have a big impact on the severity of eczema. Here are some important tips to understand the connection between eczema and diet and take steps to healing with the right foods: Choose Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Eczema is associated with increased inflammation in the body. In line with your doctor’s recommended treatment, it is important to consume foods with anti-inflammatory effects. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, avocado, olive oil can help relieve eczema symptoms. Support Your Immune System: Eczema is directly related to dysfunctions in the immune system. Consistent with your doctor’s treatment plan, make sure to consume foods that support the immune system. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, like oranges, strawberries, kiwis can be beneficial in eczema treatment. Try Probiotic Foods: The balance in gut flora is thought to significantly impact eczema. In line with your doctor’s treatment plan, you can try consuming probiotic foods. Foods containing probiotics like yogurt, kefir, pickles can support gut health and help relieve eczema symptoms. Remember, eczema symptom responses can vary for each individual. Therefore, consulting an expert to develop a personalized dietary plan is important. To understand the connection between eczema and diet, consume the right foods, and relieve your eczema symptoms, cooperating with your doctor throughout treatment is crucial.
11How Should Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients Work at a Computer?
In the past two years, we have become accustomed to living in a COVID-19 centered world, and we started bringing more work home, thus turning our homes into our workplaces as well. Work life is one of the indispensable conditions of our lives, even when we are sick. So, how can we cope with a disease like ankylosing spondylitis in the tight conditions of a home environment? Let's discuss this. If you work long hours in front of the computer, without a doubt, hunching over due to sitting positions makes itself felt. This is an undesirable problem for ankylosing spondylitis patients. This disease is characterized by sacroiliac inflammation and makes itself painfully felt mainly in the back and hip area, and sometimes in the shoulders, arms, and leg joints. So, if we are at home and especially working in front of the computer, what are the ways to reduce these pains? Let's examine them. Whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, or notebook we work on, our priority here will be to ensure proper posture. For a good sitting position, an ergonomic office chair would be very beneficial if possible. But if you say you don't have such a chair, no problem, there is a solution of course. What you need is a pair of pillows to adjust the height of your chair relative to the computer and the proper angle of your back. With these pillows, you can achieve a more upright sitting position. If the cushion or pillow you sit on does not provide adequate height, you can add more cushions until you reach the ideal height. Remember to adjust your computer screen to be at eye level (can be slightly lower too) and roughly at arm's length away. Now let's look at your arm and elbow position; your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle here, and your forearms should be close to your body while working. To achieve this, it is sufficient to use your keyboard at a lower position than the desk. If you are using a laptop, placing a riser under it that is secure enough not to tip over can both raise your laptop to eye level and get your keyboard angle right. However, the key point here is having an external keyboard, otherwise, the body will not get efficiency from the elbows, and poor posture may occur. Leaning back slightly in your chair with your feet on a riser will make working on your computer easier. Undoubtedly, one of the most important points here is knowing when to take breaks and not neglecting them. Experts generally recommend taking adequate breaks every half hour. During these times, get up from your seat immediately and take a walk around your home, doing body stretches (but not strenuous exercises). You can get support from a loved one or your phone's alarm to remind you to take these breaks. Remember these short breaks will be beneficial not only for ankylosing spondylitis but also for work-related stress. No matter what you do, be sure to pay attention to your body's signals. It will tell you okay or go on. As a final word, the task for patients and caregivers is not to give up seeking a cure and treatment despite the debilitating effects of the disease. We wish you healthy days.
12Romatizma hastalarının en çok şikayetçi oldukları belirtiler nelerdir?
Bir zamanlar orta yaş ve yaşlı insanlar insanların hastalığı olarak adlandırılan romatizmal hastalıklar, maalesef gençlere, hatta çocuk yaşta olan kişilere kadar görülür duruma gelmiştir. Uzmanlar romatizmal hastalıklar için erken tanı ve erken tedavi döneminin önemini ısrarla vurguluyorlar. Ancak romatizmal hastalıkların anlaşılabilmesi için hasta ve yakınlarının yaşanabilecek olası belirtileri zamanında fark etmesi gerekiyor. Romatizma hastalarının en çok şikayet ettiği belirtiler nelerdir? -Eklemlerde ağrı, şişlik, hareket kısıtlılığı -El parmaklarında soğukta beyazlaşma, sararıp solma hali -Cilt altında bezeler oluşması -Gözlerde sık sık iltihaplanma oluşabilmektedir -Sabahları eklemlerde sertlik olması, daha sonra yerini yavaş yavaş gevşemeye bırakması durumu -Özellikle sabahları daha belirgin bel ağrısı ve tutukluk hali -Güneşte ciltte aşırı duyarlılık ve yaralar gelişmesi -Ellerde veya vücudun herhangi bir yerinde deride sertlik -Güçsüzlük, merdiven inip çıkamama, oturup kalkamama ve kaslarında ağrı oluşması Son söz bu hastalıklarda ve her hastalıkta moral ve doğru tedavi çok önemlidir. Hasta ve yakınlarına düşen vazife vazgeçmeden şifayı ve doğru tedaviyi aramaktır.
Hastaların hayatını olumsuz etkileyen hatta ileri tabirle cehenneme çeviren iltihaplı romatizma( Romatoid Artrit) sadece eklemlere zarar vermekle kalmıyor, zamanında önlem alınmazsa ve gerekli tedaviler uygulanmazsa damarları da etkileyerek damar sertliğine neden olabiliyor. İltihaplı Romatizma (Romatoid Artrit) hastalarının deformasyonlar ve ağrı sebebiyle önce günlük alışkanlıkları bozuluyor ve sonuçta hayat kaliteleri olumsuz yönde etkileniyor. Romatoid Artrit hastalarının rahatsızlıkları sürecinde yoğun bir iltihabik etkinlik yaşanıyor. Hastanın kendini mecalsiz ve yorgun hissetmesi bu hastalığın bilinen rutinlerindendir. Kronik bir hastalık olan “İltihaplı Romatizma” ağrı ve fonksiyon kayıplarıyla kendini gösterir. Zaman içinde yaşanan deformasyonlar ve ağrı sonucunda maalesef farklı bir hastalık depresyon tetiklenerek hastayı umutsuzluğa itebilmektedir. Hasta eğer kendini toplumdan ve kendi sosyal çevresinden soyutlamaya başlarsa depresyon gelişme ve ilerleme eğilimi gösterir. Yapılan araştırmalarda Romatoid Artrit hastalarının yüzde 40’ının depresyon tehdidi altında olduğu saptanmıştır. Tedavi edilmediği ve hastalık müzminleşme sürecine girdiği takdirde hastaların ömür süreleri kısalmakta , bu hastalığa yakalanmayan sağlıklı bireylere göre 5-10 yıl daha kısa yaşamaktadırlar. En önemli vefat sebepleri arasında mide-bağırsak kanamaları, kalp-damar hastalıkları ve enfeksiyonlar gelmektedir. Unutulmaması gereken önemli nokta şudur: Hastalık varsa şifası da mevcuttur, sadece hasta ve yakınlarına düşen vazife çareyi arayıp bulmak ve sabırla uygulamaktır.
14Symptoms and Diagnosis of Rheumatic Diseases
Rheumatic diseases are inflammatory and autoimmune disorders that cause problems like pain, swelling and limited mobility in the joints, muscles and bones. The main symptoms of rheumatism are: * Morning stiffness and joint rigidity * Joint pain, swelling and redness * Increasing pain with movement * Calcification and joint deformities * Chronic fatigue * Fever and chills * Loss of appetite and weight loss For a rheumatism diagnosis, doctor's examination, imaging tests and laboratory tests are done. Blood tests measure inflammation markers, rheumatoid factor and antibody levels. Examining the joint fluid can also diagnose rheumatic diseases. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, progression of damage can be prevented.